

Trying to deploy to Cloudflare Pages, instead of Cloudflare Workers?

@opennextjs/cloudflare is specifically built for deploying Next.js apps to Cloudflare Workers (opens in a new tab)

Cloudflare Workers now support the majority of functionality from Cloudflare Pages, and have features that are not yet supported by Cloudflare Pages. Refer to the Compatibility Matrix (opens in a new tab) in the Cloudflare Workers docs.

If you need to deploy to Cloudflare Pages, you can use @cloudflare/next-on-pages, and follow the Cloudflare Pages guides for deploying Next.js apps (opens in a new tab).

"Your Worker exceeded the size limit of 1 MiB"

The Cloudflare Account you are deploying to is on the Workers Free plan, which limits the size of each Worker to 1 MiB (opens in a new tab). When you subscribe to the Workers Paid plan, each Worker can be up to 10 MiB.

My app fails to build when I import a specific NPM package

First, make sure that the nodejs_compat compatibility flag is enabled, and your compatibility date is set to on or after "2024-09-23", in your wrangler.toml file. Refer to the Workers docs (opens in a new tab) for more details on Node.js support in Cloudflare Workers.

Some NPM packages define multiple exports. For example:

"exports": {
    "other": "./src/other.js",
    "node": "./src/node.js",
    "browser": "./src/browser.js",
    "default": "./src/default.js"

When you use @opennextjs/cloudflare, Wrangler (opens in a new tab) bundles your code before running it locally, or deploying it to Cloudflare. Wrangler has to choose which export to use, when you import a module. By default, Wrangler, which uses esbuild (opens in a new tab), handles this in a way that is not compatible with some NPM packages.

You may want to modify how Wrangler resolves multiple exports, such that when you import packages, the node export, if present, is used. You can do do by defining the following variables in a .env file within the root directory of your Next.js app: