Image Loader

This override is used by OpenNext and more specifically by the image server to be able to load images from a custom source. Images are not bundled with the image server and are loaded from the source specified in the override.

This is used for internal image only (i.e. src without host). External source are already handled by the image server.

If you want to better understand how to implement your own ImageLoader, the easiest way would be to take a look at the existing included ImageLoader (opens in a new tab).

Included ImageLoader


The S3 ImageLoader will load images from an S3 bucket. It is used by default if you don't provide any ImageLoader in your configuration. It uses the @aws-sdk/client-s3 to interact with S3.

  • You need to provide the BUCKET_KEY_PREFIX, BUCKET_NAME environment variables to your server.


The s3-lite ImageLoader will load images from an S3 bucket. It uses the aws4fetch to interact with S3.

  • You need to provide the BUCKET_KEY_PREFIX, BUCKET_NAME environment variables to your server.
  • Can also provide BUCKET_REGION. It fallbacks to AWS_REGION ?? AWS_DEFAULT_REGION. This should be set by AWS automatically. You can read more about how this works on AWS Lambdas here (opens in a new tab).


The Host ImageLoader will load images from the host. This implementation will directly fetch the image from the host.


The host should be provided in the headers of the request, either in the X-Forwarded-Host or the Host header.


The FsDev ImageLoader is a simple implementation that loads images from the .open-next/assets folder and interact with it using the filesystem. It is useful for development purposes only.


The Dummy ImageLoader is a dummy implementation that will throw an exception. It should not be used.