When making some changes to OpenNext, it can be a bit cumbersome to need to deploy every time you want to test changes. If your change is not dependent on the wrapper or the converter, then you can create a custom open-next.config.ts
file (you can use another name so that it doesn't conflict with your existing open-next.config.ts
To run OpenNext
# This is to build (the config-path is needed if you use a different name than the default one)
node /path/to/opennextjs-aws/packages/open-next/dist/index.js build --config-path open-next.local.config.ts
# Then to run the server
node .open-next/server-functions/default/index.mjs
// open-next.local.config.ts -
// A good practice would be to use a different name so that it doesn't conflict
// with your existing open-next.config.ts i.e. open-next.local.config.ts
// You could also customize it by using custom overrides if you need to.
import type { OpenNextConfig } from "@opennextjs/aws/types/open-next.js";
export default {
default: {
override: {
wrapper: "express-dev",
converter: "node",
incrementalCache: "fs-dev",
queue: "direct",
tagCache: "fs-dev",
imageOptimization: {
override: {
wrapper: "dummy",
converter: "dummy",
loader: "fs-dev",
// This part is not needed on arm linux, and image optimization will only work in linux
install: {
arch: "x64",
packages: ["sharp"],
// You can override the build command here so that you don't have to rebuild next every time you make a change
//buildCommand: "echo 'No build command'",
} satisfies OpenNextConfig;
export default config;