Migrate from 0.2 to 0.3

Migrate from 0.2 to 0.3

The @opennextjs/cloudflare adapter is now more closely intgrated with @opennextjs/aws.

You will need to update your projects based on the 0.2 release as described in the following sections.

1. Update the wrangler.toml file

The entry point is now .open-next/worker.js, update wrangler.toml accordingly:

# CHANGED: new entry point location
main = ".open-next/worker.js"
name = "my-app"
compatibility_date = "2024-09-23"
compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]
# The binding name must be "ASSETS" when the cache is enabled
# CHANGED: output folder location
assets = { directory = ".open-next/assets", binding = "ASSETS" }
2. Add a open-next.config.ts file

Add a open-next.config.ts (opens in a new tab) file to the root directory of your Next.js app:

import type { OpenNextConfig } from "@opennextjs/aws/types/open-next.js";
import cache from "@opennextjs/cloudflare/kvCache";
const config: OpenNextConfig = {
  default: {
    override: {
      wrapper: "cloudflare-node",
      converter: "edge",
      // Set `incrementalCache` to "dummy" to disable KV cache
      incrementalCache: async () => cache,
      tagCache: "dummy",
      queue: "dummy",
  middleware: {
    external: true,
    override: {
      wrapper: "cloudflare-edge",
      converter: "edge",
      proxyExternalRequest: "fetch",
export default config;

You can either install the @opennextjs/aws NPM package to get the types or open-next.config.ts to the exclude (opens in a new tab) configuration key of your tsconfig.json.

3. Add a .dev.vars file

Add a .dev.vars (opens in a new tab) file to the root directory of your Next.js app:


The NEXTJS_ENV variable defines the environment to use when loading Next.js .env files. It defaults to "production" when not defined.

4. Update package.json

The name of the CLI was changed to opennextjs-cloudflare:

"build:worker": "opennextjs-cloudflare",
5 Add .open-next to .gitignore

You should change .worker-next to .open-next in your .gitignore file to prevent the build output from being committed to your repository. You can safely delete the content of the now unused .worker-next.